Business Solutions
Streamlining Business Processes
In today’s evolving business landscape, especially with the increased need for remote work solutions, having effective software solutions is essential. EPTG provides a range of software tools designed to streamline daily operations and enhance productivity. We empower your team whether remote or on-site to efficiently create, store, and utilize information, all while reducing costs and minimizing waste.

Enterprise Content Management & Workflow
Are you frequently wasting time searching for documents or dealing with outdated files? If this sounds familiar, your current system might be lacking an effective Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution.
ECM software streamlines the flow of documents across departments, offering an organized, secure way to manage records, whether in the cloud or on-premise. EPTG can provide a tailored ECM solution that simplifies document management and reduces costs for your business.

Cloud Print Solutions
We always look for ways to simplify in a hybrid method to bring hardware costs down. What do we mean by bring costs down? Hardware to run a print server onsite and Microsoft licensing are 2 costs right up front in savings. Now, by going on a cloud print solution, we help by eliminate the point-of-failure for printing, your onsite print server. Users can now print from anywhere without needing VPN connection all through a SaaS platform.
Allow us to show you a brief demo of how to quickly set up printing without the need for print servers. Our solution simplifies onboarding new users, eliminates the need for IT helpdesk support, and automatically installs printers as users move between different sites or floors within your business.

Cost & Control Recovery Software
Still printing extensively post 2020 pandemic? Let us help improve user behavior and document security. With our Cost Reduction & Control software, you can prevent sensitive documents from being left unattended in output bins and restrict non-essential printing, such as recipes. Gain full control over what gets printed and ensure the security of confidential documents.
- User printing reporting
- Control Gray scale vs Color defaults
- Double-sided Printing to reduce costs
- Reduce costs per page by sending prints to cost effective printers
- Confidential print release
- Reduce paper and toner consumable costs